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来源:https://www.jfjiaobanche.com 浏览:0发表时间:2021-03-01
Zhongke mixer is a kind of mixing equipment which combines the functions of concrete truck and concrete mixing station, integrates concrete loading, metering, mixing and discharging, and can realize concrete transportation and on-site concrete construction. How often is it appropriate to clean the main machine of automatic feeding mixer? Take a look as a well-known brand, China Science and technology Jufeng headquarters is how to say!
Technical requirements for control of Zhongke mixer truck
1. Each cylinder, control valve and motor shall operate according to the requirements of concrete mixing process. The control of each cylinder, control valve and motor must be accurate, stable and reliable. From the manufacturer of loading concrete mixer, it can transport the concrete produced by the mixing plant (station) or the aggregate (sand, stone), cement and water mixed according to the proportion. In the process of transportation, the wet material is continuously mixed slowly to prevent the initial setting and segregation of concrete in the process of transportation.
The control system has two working modes, automatic and manual, which are independent and restrict each other.
2. The system has a good anti-interference ability and perfect alarm self-protection management function
3. Through communication with computer, it can display information system management status, fault alarm
How often is it appropriate to clean the mainframe?
一个工作周期内搅拌车主机系统少应清洗1次。每天可以生产活动结束后,则应对搅拌车主机信息进行比较全 面的清洗,方法是:在清洗服务过程中,将水及少许石子放进搅拌主机内通过搅拌5~10min,清洗后将机内物料管理全部有效,不得有积水、积料;停机后再冲洗以及管道,搅拌罐内外环境灰尘和粘附的混凝土。一般这种情况下,JS1000型搅拌设备主机之间加水约150~180kg左右,其他产品型号选择主机可据此分析增减,也可自备高压水枪或者进行数据清理。
The mixer host system should be cleaned at least once in a working cycle. At the end of daily production activities, the information of mixer host should be cleaned comprehensively. The method is as follows: in the process of cleaning service, put water and a little stone into the mixer host, and mix for 5-10 minutes. After cleaning, all materials in the mixer should be effectively removed without ponding and accumulation; After shutdown, the pipes and pipes shall be washed to remove the dust inside and outside the mixing tank and the adhered concrete. In general, about 150-180kg of water is added between the main machines of JS1000 mixing equipment. The main machines of other product models can be selected according to the analysis, and they can also have their own high-pressure water gun or carry out data cleaning.
When washing the material door of the main mixer, it should be avoided that the material accumulated under the upper part of the mixer will form a foreign body blocking the material door. In the process of mixing, if the concrete truck is not in place for a long time (more than 20-30min, especially in summer), water should be added to the mixer for simple cleaning.
During the normal production of the mixer, the concrete setting in the mixing drum and on the mixing shaft should be checked regularly. If there is any setting, it should be removed manually in time according to the requirements. Before manually cleaning the mixing drum, the power supply and gas path must be cut off, the residual gas must be discharged, and the control room must be locked; when manually cleaning the mixing drum, it is strictly forbidden to strike the mixing shaft, mixing arm and mixing blade violently.
Automatic feeding mixer with flushing charging door, upper flushing to avoid the phenomenon of clamping in the charging door formed by the accumulation of foreign materials when mixing the main equipment. During the mixing process, if there is no longer a truck in cast-in-place concrete (more than 20? 30 minutes, especially in summer), water should be added to the mixer for easy cleaning.
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