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来源:https://www.jfjiaobanche.com 浏览:0发表时间:2020-09-21
  Test method for oil quality of gearbox of automatic concrete loading mixer?
  How to solve the problem of oil quality in gearbox of automatic concrete loading mixer truck?
  In the actual operation of the equipment, the transfer of automatic concrete loading mixer is also a very important part. Therefore, we need to test the quality of the oil in the process of use. So, how do we test it? Next, Zhongke Jufeng factory will take you to have a look.
  1. Park the automatic concrete loading mixer on the horizontal surface and tighten the handbrake.
  2. Let the engine idle for a few minutes.
  3. Step on the brake pedal, turn the control lever to reverse gear, forward gear, etc., and stay in each gear for several seconds to fill the torque converter and all shift actuators with hydraulic oil. Then, turn the lever to the park position.
  4. Take out the automatic transmission dipstick from the oil filler tube, insert the cleaned dipstick into the filler tube and pull it out, and then check the oil level on the dipstick.
  Please check the oil level and oil quality of the gearbox before checking or troubleshooting the truck. With the shift lever in the P position, run the engine at idle speed for at least a few minutes, the oil reaches the normal operating temperature, and the vehicle should be parked on a horizontal surface to ensure the oil level between the differential and the throttle valve. Transmission is usually stable.
  Automatic concrete loading mixer for gearbox oil quality inspection problem understanding is this, you learned? If you have other questions, please consult the website of Zhongke Jufeng factory.